This howto is currently being written... =====About====== As with many Linux applications DrumGizmo is available as a command line interface. This means that in addition to the gui versions of the software, you can also open up your favorite terminal and have the full potential of the virtual drummer at your fingertips by using the 'drumgizmo' command. This is useful if you wish to use DrumGizmo in a stand-alone fashion, for instance to render a midi file to wav files. Or if you wish to make a jack connection and use DrumGizmo as a drum sampler in conjunction with an electronic drumkit. =====Usage===== $ drumgizmo [OPTIONS] drumkitfile =====Options===== The 'drumgizmo' command currently accepts the following command line options. These options can also be found in the DrumGizmo man page: -a, --async-load Load drumkit in the background and start the engine immediately. -i, --inputengine {dummy|test|jackmidi|midifile} Use said event input engine. -I, --inputparms parmlist Set input engine parameters. jackmidi: midimap= midifile: file= speed= (default 1.0) track= (default -1, all tracks) midimap= loop= test: p= (default 0.1) instr= (default -1, random instrument) len= (default -1, forever) dummy: -o, --outputengine {dummy|alsa|jackaudio|wavfile} Use said audio output engine. -O, --outputparms parmlist Set output engine parameters. alsa: dev= (default 'default') frames= (default 32) srate= (default 44100) wavfile: file= (default 'output') srate= (default 44100) jackaudio: dummy: -r, --no-resampling Disable resampling. -s, --streaming Enable diskstreaming -S, --strimingparms parmlist Parameters for controling the streaming buffers. limit= (Limit preloaded drumkit data to the size) -e, --endpos Number of samples to process, (default -1: infinite) -v, --version Print drumgizmo version and exit. -h, --help Print command line help and exit. drumkitfile Load the drumkitfile. =====Examples===== ====Render a midi file to wav files==== $ drumgizmo -i midifile -I file=file.mid,midimap=midimap.xml -o wavfile -O file=prefix drumkit.xml This examples will render the midi file "file.mid" into a bunch of wav files called "prefix[channel name][#].wav". Each wav then resembles the microphone that the drumkit was originally recorded with. You can import these into your favorite DAW (Digital Audio Workstation / sound editor) and mix it from there. ====Run drumgizmo as jack client==== $ drumgizmo -i jackmidi -I midimap=~/DRSKit2_0_1/Midimap_full.xml -o jackaudio ~/DRSKit2_0_1/DRSKit_full.xml